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Charles Heimach
Charles Heimach

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Charles Ewen Heimach

Charles Heimach
Colonel Charles Heimach’s life is a testament to dedication and a passion for storytelling. Born in 1938, he grew up in Philadelphia and graduated from Frankford High School. He then excelled at Penn State University, earning a degree in Physics in 1960 and becoming a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force. His commitment to service led him to an impressive 30-year military career, retiring as a Colonel in 1991. During his service, he played a vital role in the nation’s space program, with assignments in California, Johnston Island, the Pentagon, and the Defense Advanced Research Agency
In a surprising turn, he also discovered a passion for ballroom dancing, showcasing his zest for life and willingness to embrace new experiences. Finally, Colonel Heimach began a new chapter – writing children’s books. This desire to connect with young readers reflects his belief in the power of imagination and the importance of inspiring future generations. Colonel Heimach’s experiences as a decorated military officer, a scientist, and a creative writer all contribute to the richness of his stories.

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Charles Heimach

Double Jeopardy- A Must-Read

By Charles Ewen Heimach

Charles Heimach

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A deadly plot threatens South Korea. Can kidnapped children become the key to saving their nation? Join the fight for freedom in this gripping tale of courage and resilience. Don’t forget to order your copy now; it’s just a click away!

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